okey.... finally got my pack from Bikuben :) and those crackle paint I orded. Ups, two magnolia stamps also found the way into the order LOL.
the reson for buying knew crackle paint, did I tell you? ... My oldes got hold of them and played with them all... sat under a blanket so I shouldn't see what that she was doing.... and end of the story; was all broken and not abel to use agian.... oh, well fine excuse for shopping!! LOL

3 kommentarer:
Du får virkelig tid til å shoppe du nå, he-he... :) Har du hørt noe ang den jobben da? Spennende altså *klem*
oida! Dissa barna;)
Så mye fint her på bloggen:)
Takk for hyggelig hilden hos meg:)
Herlig shopping. Magnolia stempelene er så fine!!
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