Hi :)
I'm 33 years old, and are from Kr.Sand. Live together with my Man Kristian, in Tvedestrand. His hometown :) Toghether we have the two most wonderful little girls :) Karoline who is 7 years old, and Viktoria , who is 5 years old :) AND sooon I will be a Mum once again, due time is March 18th 2013, and this time to a little boy they say :D :D
And it's usually my children I scrap when I make layouts :)
I started with scrapbooking in 2005, well that's when I came acrosse the fact that there was papers and all sort of things to make it more fun with my photos and that there was a name for it :)
I don't have a typical style, but i love to use tecknices like 'vintage' and I like to keep it as near as cleane and simpel, but I can use (and usually do) a lot of bling and flowers ect. if it suits the project. I scrap often after sketches and I LOVE competitions.
I also do cards more and more – and i love that too! :)
I går fikk jeg laget meg en slik headliner, eller hva jeg nå skal kalle det *hehe* jadda, har hermet litt etter en god del andre scrappere, men syns det va sååå fint, så jeg bare måtte lage en selv jeg også :) takk for inspirasjon til en, alle sammen :) Har brukt Bazill kartong i rosa + Basic Grey mønsterark, 2 forskjellige + ark fra en notatblokk kjøpt fra usa + lilla mesh + stifter + metallpiler i hvitt + blonder fra stoff&stil + en blomster brad + schipboard Tag fra Panduro + stor hjerte binders fra Panduro + 'Tickets' fra Papir i Hjertet + stanset LINDA'S ut i skum m QK Revolutions Beauty Queen alf + brukt også QK Olivia alf
Hei og velkommen til min blogg :) Jeg er helt ny i dette, men ting skal jo ikke være uprøvd ikke vel? :) så velkommen til min scrappeverden :) her kommer jeg til å legge inn dem LO'ne jeg har laget hittil i år og framover ;)