Hi! It's bin a bit quiet from my side, do to some packing and lacking of inspiration to scrap!! geeee I know! I've know bin scrapping for non-stop for almost a year, and just now, suddenly I just don't feel like scrapping!! But I really really hope it will come back to me soon, because I kind of miss it too ; )
But I think the blame, if I could call it that, is that we are on our move to another place, another city. Oh yes, the ''BIG MOVE''. We are know finally moving to Tvedestrand. And we are doing that with in a month!! And I've stressed a bit with all all the things that follows with a move and quiting jobs and all that...
But, here I atleast have a Layout that I made some weeks ago, for the sketch competition at Mammanett, week#16, which came on 1st place that week :)
{out on a little expedition} I've called it ;)

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