Got this cutie from both Aud Kirsten and Karin!
And I got it from Spruddle, too! :D
Thank you so much girls!
I apriciate it a lot, and thank you for the lovely words you wrote :D
I offcorse give it back to you all three!
" A-blog-with-charm-Award"
And I got it from Spruddle, too! :D
Thank you so much girls!
I apriciate it a lot, and thank you for the lovely words you wrote :D
I offcorse give it back to you all three!
" A-blog-with-charm-Award"

Here are the rouls to follow;
1. Put the award on your blog
2. Give it to 12 people
3. Link it to whom you give it to
4. Tell the once who get it, that they got it
5. Tell who you got it from
1. Put the award on your blog
2. Give it to 12 people
3. Link it to whom you give it to
4. Tell the once who get it, that they got it
5. Tell who you got it from
Det følger noen regler med denne awarden :)
1. Legg ut awarden
2. Gi den til 12 personer
3. Link til de du gir den til
4. Fortell det til de som får den
5. Fortell hvem du har fått den av
1. Legg ut awarden
2. Gi den til 12 personer
3. Link til de du gir den til
4. Fortell det til de som får den
5. Fortell hvem du har fått den av
And the other once I give this award to, is all of those who is on my top comment list at the moment, and these are;
Jeanette; She is the worlds greatest friend, have a lovely new look on her blog and she's a great and an amazingly crafter! :D
Anne Bente; A very nice woman and a good friend! An amazing crafter/cardmaker who has tought me a lot :)
Guro; One of my newest friends in the blogging world, and a fellow girl at the scrappekammeret. She Seems like a strong woman and is very nice! She's a fantastic crafter aswell. Love her work :D
Pink Lady; A very nice woman who leave nice comments and is a very good and playfull crafter :D
Nicole; My new friend here where I live. Whom I have start to like a lot! She's so nice and you always gets a smile from her. She makes very nice and amazing lo's and cards! And she always says the nicest things in a comment :)
Karina; This is an amzaing crafting girl! She makes the most fantastic clean & simpel cards I have ever seen! And she always leave good and nice comments everytime she visits :D
Cathrine; One of my fellow girls at the scrappekammeret, a great crafter and a very nice girl! She makes the most amazingly layouts, cards and creations. Love your style! And she's a great photographer!
Anette; Also one of my great fellow girls at the scrappekammeret! a cool girl and a great crafter :D
Gry-Beate; Is one of our truest followers at Kort O Mania I think, and only for that she deserve an award! She always leave nice comments too, and are an amazing crafter! Love her style :D She also happens to be one of the fellow girls at the scrappekammeret! :D
Mettepip; She's a great crafter, seems like a very nice girl And She always leave very nice comments. she has also has a very cute blog :D
And I also give it to
Vibeke; who has has a very nice blog, is a great crafter and is a big inspiration to me :D
Anne Bente; A very nice woman and a good friend! An amazing crafter/cardmaker who has tought me a lot :)
Guro; One of my newest friends in the blogging world, and a fellow girl at the scrappekammeret. She Seems like a strong woman and is very nice! She's a fantastic crafter aswell. Love her work :D
Pink Lady; A very nice woman who leave nice comments and is a very good and playfull crafter :D
Nicole; My new friend here where I live. Whom I have start to like a lot! She's so nice and you always gets a smile from her. She makes very nice and amazing lo's and cards! And she always says the nicest things in a comment :)
Karina; This is an amzaing crafting girl! She makes the most fantastic clean & simpel cards I have ever seen! And she always leave good and nice comments everytime she visits :D
Cathrine; One of my fellow girls at the scrappekammeret, a great crafter and a very nice girl! She makes the most amazingly layouts, cards and creations. Love your style! And she's a great photographer!
Anette; Also one of my great fellow girls at the scrappekammeret! a cool girl and a great crafter :D
Gry-Beate; Is one of our truest followers at Kort O Mania I think, and only for that she deserve an award! She always leave nice comments too, and are an amazing crafter! Love her style :D She also happens to be one of the fellow girls at the scrappekammeret! :D
Mettepip; She's a great crafter, seems like a very nice girl And She always leave very nice comments. she has also has a very cute blog :D
And I also give it to
Vibeke; who has has a very nice blog, is a great crafter and is a big inspiration to me :D
8 kommentarer:
Åh tusen takk Linda, både for awarden og for de rørende ordene du skrev. Tusen tusen takk!!! Setter veldig stor pris på deg og den supre jobben du gjør på kammeret. Du får den selvsagt i retur :-D
Ha en fin kveld!
Klem Guro
Tusind tak for awarden. Det var rigtig sødt af dig.
Du er nå bare kjempesøt, vennen. *snufs* Gleder meg sååå til vi treffes igjen. Regner med at du dropper messa denne våren? Tar du det igjen i høst, tror du? ;)
Takk for søt award. Jeg har visst fått den av Aud Kirsten, har bare ikke rukket se på den. *klem*
Tusen takk Linsal!!! Kjempekjekt å få award ;)
Sender den ikke videre nå, siden jeg fikk den i forrige uke også. Men takker så mye!!!
Ååå, tusen takk Linda!
Kjempe koselig å få award og så fine ord fra deg:-)
Ha en fin mandags kveld!
Klem Laila.
Tusen takk for flotte ord!!!!!og award, setter veldig stor pris på den!!Sender den rett tilbake til deg!!
Tusen, tusen takk Linda for flott award og enda flottere ord! Det varmer godt å få slike ord fra en dyktig person som deg.
Awarden sender jeg velfortjent rett tilbake!
klem fra
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Can't thank you enough, because I first forgot to do so(shame on me!).But I DO appreciate it, you know that.
See you on monday again!!
Biiiig hugs
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