Godday Ya'll!
My foot is doing better, thankfully :) And I hope to get back to work on Thursday...
I am still at my Mum's house, me and my kids. Are to travel back home tomorrow.
I have some few minutes by my self this morning, and thought I could show you my DT - card for Scrappekammeret.
We now have our 10th challenge out! And this one is full of LOVE!
the theame we have is called; '' Forelskelse''
- and meens ''falling in love, or beeing in love etc... I think :giggle:
Anyway, you are to create anything you like in what and how you interpreting the theame :D (felt like this was bad english, sorry....)
the design teame are so lucky to be sponsored by Crafty Individuals this month, and we have used stamps from them on our creations :D
I was so lucky to get to choose this little cute girl :D adorable!!
and the text on this stamp can be used in so many ways, and why not in the theame of love right? :D
My foot is doing better, thankfully :) And I hope to get back to work on Thursday...
I am still at my Mum's house, me and my kids. Are to travel back home tomorrow.
I have some few minutes by my self this morning, and thought I could show you my DT - card for Scrappekammeret.
We now have our 10th challenge out! And this one is full of LOVE!
the theame we have is called; '' Forelskelse''
- and meens ''falling in love, or beeing in love etc... I think :giggle:
Anyway, you are to create anything you like in what and how you interpreting the theame :D (felt like this was bad english, sorry....)
the design teame are so lucky to be sponsored by Crafty Individuals this month, and we have used stamps from them on our creations :D
I was so lucky to get to choose this little cute girl :D adorable!!
and the text on this stamp can be used in so many ways, and why not in the theame of love right? :D

The sun is shineing so sweet today, and with some help from my mother we are maybe to go to the beach today. It depends on my foot though, but I hope to manage to lump&jump my way to an OK sitting posision and leaving the running after kids to my mother! -lol-
Have superduper fun and shiny day!!
hugs from
Have superduper fun and shiny day!!
hugs from
10 kommentarer:
Igjen en nydelig kort du har laget, Linda!! "Love" er en herlig tema, ikke sant?
Ta det med ro, vennen, da sees vi snart igjen!
Dette kortet er bare så nydelig!Du er kjempeflink!
Nydelig kort du har laget, lekkert med sommerfuglene. Bra at foten din er bedre også. Ønsker deg en fin uke.
Så nydelig kort du har laget! Flotte detaljer med sommerfuglene.
Og nyyydelige farger.
God bedring!
super lækkert kort fyldt md søde detaljer
Nydelig Linda!!! Og enig, lille jenta er herlig :-)
Godt å høre at beinet er bedre, hørtes ikke bra ut tidligere...
Ha en herlig dag!
Klem Guro
Nydelig kort!!!
Tusen takk for hyggelig kommentar i bloggen min.
Marianne har en kjempeflott tutorial på StampARTic som jeg har fulgt på lyset. linken får du her:
Lykke til....
Klem fra Kaia
Super super fint kort. Flotte sommerfugle i baggrunden.
Sååå stilig !!
Så delikate farger, nydelig mønsterark og flotte sommerfugler :-)
Dette kortet er såå herlig, nydelig stempel og flott pyntet! :)
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