I am in the middle of mye vecation, and we have know moved into our new house!
It is so good to finally own and live in a house! :D
We still have a whole lot of work left, to get everything as we want it. But we are getting there, and that is good :D
I still have trubble with my internet though, still haven't got any... I am now loged in on an non-safe line, and I never know when I loose the contection :(
I really hope they will get to fix it, in about a week or so. I am totaly loosing my mind here!! LOL
I will try to upload some pictures from our house soon, and hopefully I mange to publish them aswell :D
In our hall, there are now laying 4 big flat pack's, waiting to be put togheter and become my new hobby room!! I am SO looking forward to have my room up and going, and to start scrappbooking and card making again!!
This time I have some pictures for you of some of my creations that I made for my DT 'jobs' over at Scrappekammeret, Vintage Udfordring and Kort O Mania :D
Hope you like what you see :D
And have a wonderfull and sunny summer!
I am in the middle of mye vecation, and we have know moved into our new house!
It is so good to finally own and live in a house! :D
We still have a whole lot of work left, to get everything as we want it. But we are getting there, and that is good :D
I still have trubble with my internet though, still haven't got any... I am now loged in on an non-safe line, and I never know when I loose the contection :(
I really hope they will get to fix it, in about a week or so. I am totaly loosing my mind here!! LOL
I will try to upload some pictures from our house soon, and hopefully I mange to publish them aswell :D
In our hall, there are now laying 4 big flat pack's, waiting to be put togheter and become my new hobby room!! I am SO looking forward to have my room up and going, and to start scrappbooking and card making again!!
This time I have some pictures for you of some of my creations that I made for my DT 'jobs' over at Scrappekammeret, Vintage Udfordring and Kort O Mania :D
Hope you like what you see :D
And have a wonderfull and sunny summer!

This is a book that I made for the challenge over at Kort O Mania, where you are to follow a sketch that Benedicte has made and your are to use a stamped image :D

This Card, I made for Vintage Udfordring, challenge #3
Where you are to follow yet another sketch made by me -lol-
Hope to see YOU entering in one of the challenges, or at all of them :D
VERY good prices at all of the above challenge blogs!
7 kommentarer:
Heia! Så kos å se deg på nett igjen, vennen. Så synd internet ikke er helt på topp, sånn var det når vi var i Spania i 3 uker og, ustabilt og dårlig nett. Foreldrene mine var heller ikke særlig fornøyd med internetleverandøren, for å si det slik. Men nå er jeg hjemme og har godt og stabilt nett *bank-i-bordet*. Herlige ting du har laget da, vennen. Kjempefint det øverste, med alle de flotte fargene! Håper å komme igang med litt "crafting" nå, jeg og. Jeg har såvidt fått fargelagt et stempeltrykk. Men håper å få gjort bittelitt i dag, kanskje....
Kos dere på båttur, og så må du ha lykke til med innredning av scrapperom og de øvrige rom i huset. Vi gleder oss til å se dere helgen 13.-15. august!
Så masse lekkert du har laget, Linda!! Moro å se:)
Lykke til med flyttingen og oppakkingen!! Vil gjerne se bilder av det nye scrapperommet ditt:)
Ha en flott søndag:)
Rigtig lækre kort og bog!
Nydelige kort, som alltid !
Gratulerer med nytt hus :o)
Klem :)
Nydelige kort du har laget!
Fortsatt God sommer
Hei vennen, god å "høre" fra deg igjen her på nettet. Jaja, jeg savner deg litt, så for dette del ser jeg fram til høsten at vi skal scrappe igjen tilsammen.
Selvfølgelig er jeg veldig nysgjerrig til nytt huset ditt. Og jeg håper at du får ditt scrapperom du ønsker deg. Da kan du lage flere kort så fine som de her. Jeg skal også delta i utfordringen på Scrappekammeret.
Ha en fortsatt veldig fin sommer og vi "snakkes"!!
Klemmer fra meg!
tusen takk for koselige kommentarer alle sammen!! setter jeg kjempe pris på! :D klemmmm
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