Kristines Inkido Paperline design Candy:
She is giving away 1 sheet of every paper she design! That meen that you get 14 lovely and georgeous papers!!
Take a look at Kristines blog to see further informaton :)
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wow what a Blog candy! I really hope for some luck on this one :) Mettepip is celebrating her having over 20 000 hits in just 7 months! wow congratulations :) Ends on 15th of February
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Amazing! look at this Candy give away Bodil is saying thank you with, to one of her followers and visitors.
She is celebrating that she has over 400 followers and 1600 visitors weekley!
wow thats huge! Congratulations Bodil!
And if you haven't visit Bodil before, you've missed out on some faboulus creations. Take a look and be amazed :) :)

Kristines Inkido Paperline design Candy:

Take a look at Kristines blog to see further informaton :)
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She is celebrating that she has over 400 followers and 1600 visitors weekley!
wow thats huge! Congratulations Bodil!
And if you haven't visit Bodil before, you've missed out on some faboulus creations. Take a look and be amazed :) :)

3 kommentarer:
Så hyggelig at du vil være med å feire bloggen min!
Da har jeg lagt to lodd i potten;)
klem fra
Hei Linda!
Prøver å fornye bloggen, gjorde som du sa, men når jeg kommer til punkt 3 i tutorialen får jeg det ikke til. Alle de andre punktene går greit både før og etter. skjønner ingenting jeg.
Hei Linda,
Har noe til deg i bloggen min!
Håper du får en flott helg :-)
Klem, Guro
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