Know I finally can publish this layout I made for -ScrappeKrigen- at, round 3.
I really thought that it was my time to leave the team, but it was a re-vote between me and Fantepie, and I went an won that one!! OMG I'm through to the next round!!
And know its time for the teams to team up .... and know my team (syvende himmel/seventh heaven) is teamed up with team nr 6 and nr 10 :)
wish me good luck *lol*
We were to scrap after a sketch. And I had this layout laying around, that I did not manage to finish. Just couldn't come up with any thing... and then I got this task and it just said; *pling* -hehe- And this is the one I wrote about, that took me over 2 1/2 hours to sew *lol* But I really had fun making it, and it is a layout that I made with the attention to give to my ''sister-inlaw'' (my brothers grilfriend :) )
I bought a frame too, and painted it with black hobby lackpaint, its looks great :)
She turns a year older tomorrow, so she doesn't get the present for her birthday, but oh well. better soon than never I always say *lol*
Heres the layout;
some close ups;
1 kommentar:
Hei og tusen takk for kampen! Kjempeflott LO du vann med! Er på jobb no, så ej snik mej berre til en liten titt her no, men eg gleder meg til å lese i bloggen din når eg får tid i kveld. (Har "berre" to foreldremøter eg skal på i dag ;-))
Eg legg deg til i blogglista mi også, er så kjekt å ha mange bloggar å finne inspirasjon i!
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