Finally I got some time to publish again, Iv'e had a productive weekend, but I cant publish all just yet ;)
But the one layout I can publish is this on I made of my man and our little girl. I know, I've used the same picture before, but I just loooove it :)
The card I'm publishing is one Iv'e made for a girlfriend of mine that gave birth last month :) Made it for a competition but I was one day late for the deadline *lol* (make a note for myself to put the deadline in my callender hehe) :)
And offcours som picturese of some shopping, big bomb! LOL
{Stol Pappa} (a proud dad)

detail photos;

~baby girl card~

detail photos;
1 kommentar:
såå masse flott du har laget siden jeg har vært i denne verden, gleder meg over o komme tilbake og følge dine kunstverk:)
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