{It WAS a bit cold!}
I made this for the lift-competition at MN-week 37. And OMG! I WON! It's so fun! first time ever at the lift :) THANK YOU ALL FOR ALL THE VOTES I GOT! THANK YOU!
I really had fun making this one, and it's the first time Iv'e curled paper that way, and know I don't understand why I haven't done that before!! What an amazing effect on the layout! so I definitly going to do that again :)
The photos was taken this summer, and it's of Karoline bathing in a tiny swimming pool. She loves water a lot, and didn't wanna come up when we told her... she's relative stubborn, and always doing the opposite of what we are telling her... typical 2 1/2 year old *hihi*. But after a while she must have thought a bit, (just after these photos were taken), becuse se looked up at us and just said;"Cold..."...... that's my girl! *lol*:)
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5 kommentarer:
Denne var bare kjempe fin Linda!
Farvene var nydelige:)
åhhhhh, hvor er den dog lækker, kan bare lide alt ved den, skøøøøn
Nydelig LO!!! :)
Denne var hel lekker... skikkelig delikat og inspirerende...
Gleder meg til å se hva mer du lager..
Denne var bare super, vennen. Takk for i går. Håper du fikk sove etter at Viktoria fikk mat. *klem*
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